2025 Winter Release Notes

An overview of key updates, improvements, and fixes in this release.

Key Highlights

Key highlights of this release, including major improvements, new features, and essential fixes to enhance performance and user experience.

New Feature/Bugfix

This release includes essential bug fixes for improved stability and introduces new features like real-time notifications to enhance your user experience.

New Feature/Bugfix

This release includes essential bug fixes for improved stability and introduces new features like real-time notifications to enhance your user experience.

New Feature/Bugfix

This release includes essential bug fixes for improved stability and introduces new features like real-time notifications to enhance your user experience.

New Feature/Bugfix

This release includes essential bug fixes for improved stability and introduces new features like real-time notifications to enhance your user experience.


Boost in performance


Fixed bugs


Stat name here


Stat name here

New, enhanced, and changed features

This is a flexible section to write an additional introduction of yourself or your business. This can be about your company history, success stories, or the benefits the users will get with your offerings. This can also be about telling about how you helped clients achieve their desired results.

In this section, resume writing the additional introduction of yourself or your business. This can be about your company history, success stories, or the product or services you offer.

Main Changes

TypeFeatures titleDescriptionPlatforms
AI Companion features
New or enhanced feature Localized text within the AI Companion panel All UI elements, including hero prompts, buttons, system messages, and category responses are localized for supported languages. The UI layout adapts to accommodate varying text lengths across different languages. This allows users to interact with the AI Companion panel in their preferred language, enhancing the overall user experience. The currently supported languages are:

  • English

  • Chinese (Traditional/Simplified)

  • French

  • German

  • Japanese

  • Portuguese

  • Spanish

  • Italian

  • Korean

  • Indonesian

  • Polish

  • Russian

  • Swedish

  • Turkish

  • Vietnamese

  • Dutch (Netherlands)

iOS (Intune)
Android (Intune)
New or enhanced feature AI Companion integrated into additional mobile tabs Users can now access the AI Assistant from various sections within the mobile app, including Whiteboards, Notes, Clips, Workspace, Apps, and Events. The AI Assistant icon is displayed in the navigation bar on the right side of these sections. Tapping the icon opens the AI Assistant interface, where users can interact with the smart assistant. While this release focuses on making the AI Assistant accessible across multiple sections of the app, additional functionality and content support for each section will be introduced in future updates. This expanded integration ensures users have seamless access to AI-powered assistance throughout their mobile app experience.iOS
iOS (Intune)
Android (Intune)